In this post i will give a brief explanation about how a DSLR works..
CANON EOS 1D Mark III - Popular DSLR among Professionals
The term DSLR generally refers to cameras that resemble 35 mm format cameras, although some medium format cameras are technically DSLRs.
DSLRs are gaining popularity now-a-days as most of the people are fed-up of using normal P&S cameras, they want to switch to DSLR for quality & many other features..
DSLRs are specially preferred by professional still photographers because they allow an accurate preview of framing close to the moment of exposure, and because DSLRs allow the user to choose from a variety of interchangeable lenses. Most DSLRs also have a function that allows accurate preview of the image through viewfinder before you take the picture.
2. Brief history of SLRs & Photography:
The word SLR stands for single lens reflex. Earlier days before the digital world we were using films. Film cameras are the cameras used by professional people on those days.. This concept applies same for now digital world...
No of pixels in a picture explains how much detail the image has. If a camera has high numbers in megapixels it can capture the image more details but this is used if you are going to print the image bigger. More MPs will give more quality so bigger print. Cameras with more MPs are more costly.
Earlier photographs were taken on metal plate coated with silver substance which darkens when exposed to light. Then films was introduced. they were popular in the market as they were portable and easy to use..
METAL FRAME (above) and Olden day camera (below)1949 CONTAX S introduced the first SLR camera in which we can see through viewfinder the exact image which will be taken.
1959 Nikon introduced F series which used common 35mm film. This was small and convenient and having standard size of film. As film is standard 35mm we can get from anywhere..
Digital SLRs user specially consumer based was records image electronically instead of a film was in the digital rebel from canon (2003).
3. How you view a image in DSLRs?
You have mainly two parts in a SLR. The Lens, which is the camera's eye. Next is the body itself which has all the parts like viewfinder, image sensor, pentaprism, CMOS processor etc..
WORKING DIAGRAM OF DSLRIn the above diagram.. Light or image from outside comes through the lens (1) and hits the mirror (2). The mirror is kept exactly at 45 degrees so as it reflects light to the pentaprisim (7).. Light which reflects from mirror is projected on the matte focusing screen (5) via a condensing lens (6) to the pentaprism..
The pentaprisim is kept in such a angle that when light comes in it gets reflected to all sides and light is perfectly passed through the viewfinder or eyepiece(8).
4. How picture is taken in DSLRs?
Step by step pictorial explanation given below..
4. Digital World:
When the SLRs went digital they changed everything. Instead of recording the image on the film they recorded it on the small image chip or sensor. There is a separate CMOS image processor chip which process all the data and converts it into a printable image. The DSLRs' image processor writes the image onto a Memory card so we can save and erase as much as images we want. The technology in digital world has now advanced to HD videos too.
Image Sensor of a DSLR
5. Conclusion:
Yes, DSLRs are costly but i tell you they are worth it.. They offer high quality picture and a variety of image taking options for photographers. DSLRs are one of the intelligent and purpose full babies which are result of today's digital technology. If you are a person who is interested in photography or who wants to take photography as a career or you want a good leap from your normal Point & Shoot camera DSLRs are the right choice.
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